Soulciety // Bohol // Bridge Program

Since 2009, Soulciety has provided aid and educational workshops to youth in the rural areas of the Philippines. Soulciety has recently redefined the objectives for this program:

1. Improve education and employability through computer literacy and access to technology and information
2. Enhance creative development through access to quality performing arts exposure and education

Computer Education
Soulciety collects used donated computers from companies and schools in the Bay Area. We have partnered with The Stride Center, an IT training school in Oakland, whose students refurbish these computers. LBC, the largest Filipino shipping company in the world, sponsors the shipment to get these donated computers to schools in rural Philippines. Soulciety works with these schools to develop a computer lab for the students.

Performing Arts Education
Soulciety works with performing artists both in the Bay Area and throughout the Philippines to teach quality arts education programs to youth. The goal is to expose youth to performing arts that they may not have had access to before and to help them to develop a creative outlet.

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